









さらに、後半にはついに一般提供開始となったアドビの生成AIツールAdobe Fireflyをご紹介します。

Adobe Fireflyの特徴から、PhotoshopやIllustratorといった馴染みのあるツールとはどのように関係するのか知ることができます。

無料でAdobe Firefly Web版や、実際に使ってみたデモ映像も含まれるので、

この講座を視聴すればAdobe FIreflyでできることが具体的に知ることができます。





<前半>我妻 幸長 Udemy AI 講師




「AI」がテーマのコミュニティ「自由研究室 AIRS-Lab」を主宰。





著書に、「はじめてのディープラーニング」「はじめてのディープラーニング2」(SBクリエイティブ)、「Pythonで動かして学ぶ!あたらしい数学の教科書 機械学習・深層学習に必要な基礎知識」「あたらしい脳科学と人工知能の教科書」「Google Colaboratoryで学ぶ!あたらしい人工知能技術の教科書」(翔泳社)。共著に「No.1スクール講師陣による 世界一受けたいiPhoneアプリ開発の授業」(技術評論社)

<後半>仲尾 毅 Adobe Creative Cloudエバンジェリスト


プロビデオシステムエンジニアとしてキャリアスタート。その後Apple Disability Center、UMAX、Visio、Microsoft MacBU と、IT系ハード・ソフトベンダーで一貫してプロダクトマーケティング業務に携わる。

2012年6月、Adobe 入社 Creative Cloud伝道師として、Adobe の最新技術、製品、サービスの訴求と移行促進に従事。クリエイティブ&テクノロジーの力で世界が変わると ’マジ’ に信じ、願い、実行することがライフワーク。

毎週木曜夜8時 Creative Cloud 道場 on YouTube Live 開講中











さらに、後半にはついに一般提供開始となったアドビの生成AIツールAdobe Fireflyをご紹介します。

Adobe Fireflyの特徴から、PhotoshopやIllustratorといった馴染みのあるツールとはどのように関係するのか知ることができます。

無料でAdobe Firefly Web版や、実際に使ってみたデモ映像も含まれるので、

この講座を視聴すればAdobe FIreflyでできることが具体的に知ることができます。





<前半>我妻 幸長 Udemy AI 講師




「AI」がテーマのコミュニティ「自由研究室 AIRS-Lab」を主宰。





著書に、「はじめてのディープラーニング」「はじめてのディープラーニング2」(SBクリエイティブ)、「Pythonで動かして学ぶ!あたらしい数学の教科書 機械学習・深層学習に必要な基礎知識」「あたらしい脳科学と人工知能の教科書」「Google Colaboratoryで学ぶ!あたらしい人工知能技術の教科書」(翔泳社)。共著に「No.1スクール講師陣による 世界一受けたいiPhoneアプリ開発の授業」(技術評論社)

<後半>仲尾 毅 Adobe Creative Cloudエバンジェリスト


プロビデオシステムエンジニアとしてキャリアスタート。その後Apple Disability Center、UMAX、Visio、Microsoft MacBU と、IT系ハード・ソフトベンダーで一貫してプロダクトマーケティング業務に携わる。

2012年6月、Adobe 入社 Creative Cloud伝道師として、Adobe の最新技術、製品、サービスの訴求と移行促進に従事。クリエイティブ&テクノロジーの力で世界が変わると ’マジ’ に信じ、願い、実行することがライフワーク。

毎週木曜夜8時 Creative Cloud 道場 on YouTube Live 開講中


Welcome to the MidJourney AI: The Complete Guide To MidJourney AI Course.

(Updated for Midjourney Version 5.2 ! )

In this course, you will explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its intersection with art.

Midjourney is a unique platform that harnesses the power of AI to generate original works of art, and this course will teach you how to use this amazing tool to create your own masterpieces.

The course begins by introducing you to the basics of AI Art Generation, including how to set up a discord account and access the Midjourney Bot.

You'll learn how to use Midjourney to create art, we'll go through all of tools available so you can master this revolutionary new medium. We'll also cover, copyright and how to sell your creations online.

You will then dive into Midjourney's UI and learn how to use this tool to generate your own art. The course covers topics such as Prompt Crafting, Negative Prompting, Navigating Midjourney using various parameters like seed, aspect ratio, text weights & more to generate unique art.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with Midjourney's platform and learn best practices for creating beautiful, original works of art. You will also learn about ethical considerations in AI art, such as ownership and bias, and how to navigate these issues when creating your own art.

You do not need a fancy computer. In fact, you can do it all on your phone or tablet if you want to!

In this course, we will explore creating A.I. art using Midjourney. We will start by setting Midjourney up using Discord, a popular real-time chat application to "talk" to Midjourney. From there, we will explore the Prompt system for communicating with Midjourney. Then, we will talk about the ins and outs of the Midjourney prompt system to get exciting, explosively stunning images. Finally, we will wrap up by talking about ideas of where you can use those images, how to find additional resources, and even touch on other A.I. art solutions out in the market. I'll even take you through the process I went through on a few of my pieces so you can see how I approach an image.

  • How to create Create stunning AI Art including photo-realistic images, anime characters, picasso-like paintings, etc.

  • We will learn Midjourney Version 5 & 4 and the Newest Midjourney Algorithm, Midjourney Version 4. The course will continue to be updated as Midjourney evolves.

  • We will Create a collection of art you can use to make money and impress your friends.

  • Navigate Midjourney: Use prompts, parameters, and modifiers to create amazing images that showcase your personal style and creativity!

  • We will learn how to use image prompts in MidJourney AI to create cool AI Avatars in various artistic styles.

  • We will learn how to use Niji Mode in MidJourney AI to create Consistent Anime Characters.

  • We will learn how to Create Professional Logos using MidJourney and Adobe Illustrator and make money by selling them on Fiverr & Upwork.

  • We will learn how to create seamless patterns for tiles, backgrounds, and many digital spaces.

  • Want to just mess around and show your friends some cool images, like making various actors as superheroes?

Midjourney can do all of that! And so much more!

There are so many exciting things you can do with what you create with A.I. art! Take the leap and I promise you, you will be happy you did.

So join me, and let's get your first idea on the screen!

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in AI Art Generation Using the Midjourney platform and will have created several pieces of original art.

Whether you are an artist looking to explore new mediums or a tech enthusiast interested in the cutting edge of AI, this course is the perfect way to explore Midjourney and the exciting world of AI art generation.

Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, this course will give you the skills you need to get started in the exciting world of AI art.

This course takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming a professional AI artist.

By the end of the course, you'll have a mastery of Midjourney and a portfolio of visually stunning artwork that you can sell online to make passive income.

I've followed the development of AI art and in the process created 1000s of artworks, I'll share with you my secrets for getting the best possible results and turning your passion into a successful business

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the creative potential of AI.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and start exploring the amazing world of AI art!


Welcome to the MidJourney AI: The Complete Guide To MidJourney AI Course.

(Updated for Midjourney Version 5.2 ! )

In this course, you will explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its intersection with art.

Midjourney is a unique platform that harnesses the power of AI to generate original works of art, and this course will teach you how to use this amazing tool to create your own masterpieces.

The course begins by introducing you to the basics of AI Art Generation, including how to set up a discord account and access the Midjourney Bot.

You'll learn how to use Midjourney to create art, we'll go through all of tools available so you can master this revolutionary new medium. We'll also cover, copyright and how to sell your creations online.

You will then dive into Midjourney's UI and learn how to use this tool to generate your own art. The course covers topics such as Prompt Crafting, Negative Prompting, Navigating Midjourney using various parameters like seed, aspect ratio, text weights & more to generate unique art.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with Midjourney's platform and learn best practices for creating beautiful, original works of art. You will also learn about ethical considerations in AI art, such as ownership and bias, and how to navigate these issues when creating your own art.

You do not need a fancy computer. In fact, you can do it all on your phone or tablet if you want to!

In this course, we will explore creating A.I. art using Midjourney. We will start by setting Midjourney up using Discord, a popular real-time chat application to "talk" to Midjourney. From there, we will explore the Prompt system for communicating with Midjourney. Then, we will talk about the ins and outs of the Midjourney prompt system to get exciting, explosively stunning images. Finally, we will wrap up by talking about ideas of where you can use those images, how to find additional resources, and even touch on other A.I. art solutions out in the market. I'll even take you through the process I went through on a few of my pieces so you can see how I approach an image.

  • How to create Create stunning AI Art including photo-realistic images, anime characters, picasso-like paintings, etc.

  • We will learn Midjourney Version 5 & 4 and the Newest Midjourney Algorithm, Midjourney Version 4. The course will continue to be updated as Midjourney evolves.

  • We will Create a collection of art you can use to make money and impress your friends.

  • Navigate Midjourney: Use prompts, parameters, and modifiers to create amazing images that showcase your personal style and creativity!

  • We will learn how to use image prompts in MidJourney AI to create cool AI Avatars in various artistic styles.

  • We will learn how to use Niji Mode in MidJourney AI to create Consistent Anime Characters.

  • We will learn how to Create Professional Logos using MidJourney and Adobe Illustrator and make money by selling them on Fiverr & Upwork.

  • We will learn how to create seamless patterns for tiles, backgrounds, and many digital spaces.

  • Want to just mess around and show your friends some cool images, like making various actors as superheroes?

Midjourney can do all of that! And so much more!

There are so many exciting things you can do with what you create with A.I. art! Take the leap and I promise you, you will be happy you did.

So join me, and let's get your first idea on the screen!

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in AI Art Generation Using the Midjourney platform and will have created several pieces of original art.

Whether you are an artist looking to explore new mediums or a tech enthusiast interested in the cutting edge of AI, this course is the perfect way to explore Midjourney and the exciting world of AI art generation.

Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, this course will give you the skills you need to get started in the exciting world of AI art.

This course takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming a professional AI artist.

By the end of the course, you'll have a mastery of Midjourney and a portfolio of visually stunning artwork that you can sell online to make passive income.

I've followed the development of AI art and in the process created 1000s of artworks, I'll share with you my secrets for getting the best possible results and turning your passion into a successful business

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the creative potential of AI.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and start exploring the amazing world of AI art!

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Hi, I'm Andrea, creative director and multimedia teacher. I created this class to explain in detail how to use AI across the Midjournet and Discord platforms. In this course you will learn to use Midjourney, to write prompts to generate beautiful renders with Artificial Intelligence. You will learn from scratch to use Midjourney and Discord to create beautiful renders with artificial intelligence. You will be able to write perfect prompts to realize your ideas, we will talk about styles, image prompts, pattern creation, settings and advanced prompts. Artificial intelligence has now become an increasingly important reality for creatives, in fact it helps to simplify your work process, giving you suggestions and inspiration. With this course you will discover how to become an expert in creating renderings with Midjourney. This course is aimed at all people curious to learn, such as creatives who want to better understand the potential of Midjourney and make their work of an even higher level.

This course takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming a professional AI Visual Designer

In order to learn Midjourney as best as possible, I have prepared a project that I ask each student who follows this course to try to create; Each student should create a render with Midjourney starting from an initial image of their choice and modify it with Midjourney according to a theme of their choice, for example I select the photo of a model and create a prompt in which this is placed in a romantic baroque landscape , the theme is therefore romantic baroque. The student can create an image or even a pattern. Good work!

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

Hi, I'm Andrea, creative director and multimedia teacher. I created this class to explain in detail how to use AI across the Midjournet and Discord platforms. In this course you will learn to use Midjourney, to write prompts to generate beautiful renders with Artificial Intelligence. You will learn from scratch to use Midjourney and Discord to create beautiful renders with artificial intelligence. You will be able to write perfect prompts to realize your ideas, we will talk about styles, image prompts, pattern creation, settings and advanced prompts. Artificial intelligence has now become an increasingly important reality for creatives, in fact it helps to simplify your work process, giving you suggestions and inspiration. With this course you will discover how to become an expert in creating renderings with Midjourney. This course is aimed at all people curious to learn, such as creatives who want to better understand the potential of Midjourney and make their work of an even higher level.

This course takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming a professional AI Visual Designer

In order to learn Midjourney as best as possible, I have prepared a project that I ask each student who follows this course to try to create; Each student should create a render with Midjourney starting from an initial image of their choice and modify it with Midjourney according to a theme of their choice, for example I select the photo of a model and create a prompt in which this is placed in a romantic baroque landscape , the theme is therefore romantic baroque. The student can create an image or even a pattern. Good work!


Do you want to master Midjourney AI in the least amount of time?

Even if you have never used Midjourney before?

Then you've to the right place!

In this crash course, you'll be learning how to generate some amazing AI images and that too in the fastest possible way since this course only focuses on things that are actually essential in creating amazing AI images.

Here's what we will be doing:

  • To start off, we'll be seeing how to set up Midjourney and Discord and connect them together in the most friction-less way possible.

  • Once everything is set up, we'll be seeing how to use some basic prompts to generate images.

  • We'll then be moving on to learning how advanced prompting works. This will be done by learning how the following six elements of prompting -

    • Subject

    • Style

    • Lighting

    • Composition

    • Filters and

    • Parameters

  • Once we learn the art of advanced prompting and start to generate some mind-blowing AI images, we'll move our attention to learning some advanced commands and functions in Midjourney that can take your art to the next level.

  • From there on, we'll be learning about some advanced settings that can really get the type of image you want.

  • We'll also be seeing how Midjourney can work with some other apps to get some crazy results like being able to swap faces in portraits.

  • We'll conclude things by getting a brief glimpse into some of Midjourney's competitors lile DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Adobe Firefly.

This is a 100% action packed course. There are no filler videos and no unnecessary talking.

And we can guarantee that this is most efficient way of learning Midjourney!

So don't wait any more. Sign up right now and let's get started!


Do you want to master Midjourney AI in the least amount of time?

Even if you have never used Midjourney before?

Then you've to the right place!

In this crash course, you'll be learning how to generate some amazing AI images and that too in the fastest possible way since this course only focuses on things that are actually essential in creating amazing AI images.

Here's what we will be doing:

  • To start off, we'll be seeing how to set up Midjourney and Discord and connect them together in the most friction-less way possible.

  • Once everything is set up, we'll be seeing how to use some basic prompts to generate images.

  • We'll then be moving on to learning how advanced prompting works. This will be done by learning how the following six elements of prompting -

    • Subject

    • Style

    • Lighting

    • Composition

    • Filters and

    • Parameters

  • Once we learn the art of advanced prompting and start to generate some mind-blowing AI images, we'll move our attention to learning some advanced commands and functions in Midjourney that can take your art to the next level.

  • From there on, we'll be learning about some advanced settings that can really get the type of image you want.

  • We'll also be seeing how Midjourney can work with some other apps to get some crazy results like being able to swap faces in portraits.

  • We'll conclude things by getting a brief glimpse into some of Midjourney's competitors lile DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Adobe Firefly.

This is a 100% action packed course. There are no filler videos and no unnecessary talking.

And we can guarantee that this is most efficient way of learning Midjourney!

So don't wait any more. Sign up right now and let's get started!


Welcome to "Midjourney into Generative AI: Mastering AI Art Generation"! This innovative and exciting online course is specifically designed for art enthusiasts, aspiring artists, and anyone intrigued by the merging of art and technology. Whether you're an art novice or seasoned artist, this course aims to enhance your understanding of AI art generation and offers a midjourney exploration into the world of generative AI, allowing you to unlock unprecedented creative possibilities.

Art and technology have entwined to open up new frontiers in artistic expression, with Generative AI being at the forefront. This course will be your guiding companion, unraveling the mysteries and potentials of AI in creating distinctive artworks. We explore how AI understands and interprets artistic styles, how it generates art, and how artists can collaborate with AI to bring their imaginative visions to life. You will discover the seamless fusion of traditional art concepts with groundbreaking AI technology, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of art generation in the digital age.

This course is structured to gradually unfold the expansive world of AI art generation, balancing foundational knowledge with practical skills. It commences with an introduction to the basics of AI and its applications in art, allowing participants to grasp the essence of AI-driven art creation. As you delve deeper, you will be acquainted with various art styles, AI tools, platforms, customization techniques, and much more, allowing you to create and refine AI-generated art.

Throughout this midjourney, participants will explore the dynamics of AI and art, learning to appreciate AI-generated art's aesthetic and conceptual values and gaining insights into different AI art markets. Ethical considerations, copyright issues, and responsibilities surrounding AI art generation will also be discussed, providing a rounded perspective on the subject. By the end of this course, participants will have acquired the skills and knowledge to experiment with AI for artistic creation and will have a comprehensive understanding of the commercial aspects of AI-generated art.

The course encourages an interactive learning experience, featuring discussions, assignments, and hands-on projects that allow participants to apply their acquired knowledge and skills. Online collaboration is encouraged, fostering a rich, diverse learning environment where participants can share ideas, experiences, and perspectives. We delve into simple customization techniques, enabling participants to create AI-generated art that aligns with their artistic visions and preferences. This collaborative and interactive approach ensures a more enriching and rewarding learning experience, allowing participants to explore their creative potential fully.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative artistic mediums and techniques in AI art creation, learning how AI can be a source of inspiration and aid in the artistic process. The course also discusses how AI-generated art can evoke emotions and connect with audiences on a deeper level, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of art. Participants will learn how AI can make art creation more accessible, breaking down barriers and opening up new possibilities for artistic expression.

"Midjourney into Generative AI: Mastering AI Art Generation" is not just a course; it's an invitation to explore uncharted territories in the realm of art. It’s about discovering new forms of expression, pushing boundaries, and reimagining what art can be. Whether you are looking to enhance your artistic skills, explore new artistic mediums, or simply curious about the intersection of art and technology, this course offers a gateway to endless possibilities.

Who Should Enroll:

This course is open to everyone—artists, students, educators, and curious minds. Whether you have a background in art or are completely new to it, the course accommodates various levels of experience, providing additional support as needed, making it an ideal learning journey for all.


Embark on this enlightening journey to explore the convergence of art and AI, unlock your creative potential, and master the art of generating


Welcome to "Midjourney into Generative AI: Mastering AI Art Generation"! This innovative and exciting online course is specifically designed for art enthusiasts, aspiring artists, and anyone intrigued by the merging of art and technology. Whether you're an art novice or seasoned artist, this course aims to enhance your understanding of AI art generation and offers a midjourney exploration into the world of generative AI, allowing you to unlock unprecedented creative possibilities.

Art and technology have entwined to open up new frontiers in artistic expression, with Generative AI being at the forefront. This course will be your guiding companion, unraveling the mysteries and potentials of AI in creating distinctive artworks. We explore how AI understands and interprets artistic styles, how it generates art, and how artists can collaborate with AI to bring their imaginative visions to life. You will discover the seamless fusion of traditional art concepts with groundbreaking AI technology, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of art generation in the digital age.

This course is structured to gradually unfold the expansive world of AI art generation, balancing foundational knowledge with practical skills. It commences with an introduction to the basics of AI and its applications in art, allowing participants to grasp the essence of AI-driven art creation. As you delve deeper, you will be acquainted with various art styles, AI tools, platforms, customization techniques, and much more, allowing you to create and refine AI-generated art.

Throughout this midjourney, participants will explore the dynamics of AI and art, learning to appreciate AI-generated art's aesthetic and conceptual values and gaining insights into different AI art markets. Ethical considerations, copyright issues, and responsibilities surrounding AI art generation will also be discussed, providing a rounded perspective on the subject. By the end of this course, participants will have acquired the skills and knowledge to experiment with AI for artistic creation and will have a comprehensive understanding of the commercial aspects of AI-generated art.

The course encourages an interactive learning experience, featuring discussions, assignments, and hands-on projects that allow participants to apply their acquired knowledge and skills. Online collaboration is encouraged, fostering a rich, diverse learning environment where participants can share ideas, experiences, and perspectives. We delve into simple customization techniques, enabling participants to create AI-generated art that aligns with their artistic visions and preferences. This collaborative and interactive approach ensures a more enriching and rewarding learning experience, allowing participants to explore their creative potential fully.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative artistic mediums and techniques in AI art creation, learning how AI can be a source of inspiration and aid in the artistic process. The course also discusses how AI-generated art can evoke emotions and connect with audiences on a deeper level, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of art. Participants will learn how AI can make art creation more accessible, breaking down barriers and opening up new possibilities for artistic expression.

"Midjourney into Generative AI: Mastering AI Art Generation" is not just a course; it's an invitation to explore uncharted territories in the realm of art. It’s about discovering new forms of expression, pushing boundaries, and reimagining what art can be. Whether you are looking to enhance your artistic skills, explore new artistic mediums, or simply curious about the intersection of art and technology, this course offers a gateway to endless possibilities.

Who Should Enroll:

This course is open to everyone—artists, students, educators, and curious minds. Whether you have a background in art or are completely new to it, the course accommodates various levels of experience, providing additional support as needed, making it an ideal learning journey for all.


Embark on this enlightening journey to explore the convergence of art and AI, unlock your creative potential, and master the art of generating